Elm City recognizes that an organized and consistent method of case management procedures is essential to providing effective services. It also recognizes that the focal point of the services must be the person served, and that in order to benefit from the services, an individual must be a collaborative partner to the best of their ability and have input into his/her individual program.

Although individuals may have same or similar goals, it is recognized that each person is an individual and plans, goals, and methods must by individually developed. The Program Coordinator is responsible to see that each person in the program has an individual plan that is integrated with other services and that plan has been implemented.

There are two types of case management and care coordination used at ECC. There are similarities and distinct differences


Day Program Case Management is used primarily during Day Programs provided at Elm City to coordinate services with other providers.  All individuals at ECC have a day program case manager regardless of where they live or what their diagnosis is.  The Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities funds these case management functions.  All the individuals served must have a developmental disability or a dual DD/mental illness diagnosis.  The case manager is a QIDP who coordinates services within Elm City and with other community service providers.  Day program case managers will often take individuals to community activities.  There are other groups such as guardians, living facilities, and families who have primary responsibility for non-Elm City activities.  Services are coordinated whenever possible.


Residential Program Care Coordination Managers provide services for individuals who live in Elm City residential settings (supervised CILA, intermittent CILA, and Group Homes),  independent homes and apartments, or are involved with programs funded specifically to provide case management services. Funding may come through DHS’s Division of Mental Health, DHS’s Division of Developmental Disabilities, private funds, Managed Care Organizations and other insurance. All the individuals served by this program usually have a diagnosed disability or medical condition where they need assistance to become or remain independent.  Individuals in this group may or may not attend Elm City Day Programs. The case manager coordinates services with Elm City and other community service providers.  As DHS/DMH moves to a base of Medicaid funding, this coordination will become more important since Medicaid requires that two or more Medicaid service providers must coordinate their service as part of joint service plans.


Our staff, often acting as advocates, provide assistance in securing housing, medical care, recreation, vocational, and other needed services.  These staff members work closely with employers, families, social service agencies, churches and significant others to help build a supportive and understanding network in the person’s life.